Wednesday, 24 December 2008

100 not out!

Woohoo, not only is this my festive blog, but as my 100th blog, I feel we are all due a christmas glass of bubbly, so here it is:


Well since my last blog, I have endured two of the longest days at work, where a ridiculous amount of work needed to be done before I had today off. Thankfully I don't have to think about work until Monday, which seems a glorious lifetime away!

This week also saw something arrive in the post that almost gave me a heart attack. I received a letter from court telling me I had been selected for jury service! The letter arrived in a brown envelope with the courts name on it, so immediately I thought 'god, how did they find the body!'.

As you can imagine, there were quite a few sore heads on Monday morning in the office, and the nuclear fall out from the christmas party will still be going on well into the new year, and lets just say its great to have been as sober as I was, as alot of people needed a gentle reminder as to what they did on Friday night! Marvellous!

And so it is, Christmas is finally here, I have just got my last present, and thankfully Amazon sent through most of my presents this morning (I almost kissed the postman!), so all I need to do now is wrap my pressies, get to the pub and drink my way into Christmas Day!

So, whether you are staying at home this Christmas, or visiting the in-laws or other members of your family, remember just that. That it is all about family this Christmas, and whether you like it or not, its only one day a year, so just let yourself go and grab that cracker with vigour, because the worst that can happen is you get the mini sewing kit!

If you are feeling a tad bored during the festive season, look to your right for my present to you, loyal readers, its only blummin' Pacman! For those of you far to young to know what it is, its the best game ever, and thats all you need to know!

Merry Christmas Everyone
(P.S Come on Villa, 3 points against Arsenal. Always remember, as the song suggests, 'Santa is a Villa fan'!)

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