Wednesday, 11 February 2009


Well it has been the theme running through this past week and a half, so I think its a fairly fitting title!

Welcome to another peek into the mad old world of yours truly! I would have posted earlier, but work has been stupidly crazy over the last couple of weeks, so I've not had much of a chance to blog, but this should make up for it!

As I've mentioned, last week has been dominated by the weather, and because a couple of inches fell on London, it meant that the entire country has grounded to a halt, whereby for everyone who lives north of Watford Gap wonders what the fuss is about as we've been having snowy weather off and on for the last 3-4 months and no one seemed to mind! Still, to be fair, it has been very heavy around the country, however that doesn't give any excuse for the local councils all around the country to be clearly so dangerously corrupt by not preparing for any kind of cold weather. No gritters have been anywhere near Birmingham, nor the surrounding areas during any of the bad weather, leaving many people slipping and sliding everywhere, not to mention the countless amounts of deaths caused by the icy weather, which clearly indicates that local authorities are guilty of manslaughter! To run out of grit/salt that early is quite frightening, especially as they are trying to justify yet another council tax hike!

Of course, they will always put up some vacuous oxbridge graduate who will say to the media that they were so dangerously unprepared for the weather because they had no warning about the icy conditions coming in. Well they may be the only ones, as any person who can read and understand the english language would have been aware a full 2 weeks before the weather changed that this would happen.......

.....I may have answered my own question there!

I'm not getting political over this, but surely people have got to lose their jobs over this debacle, I mean how can Paris and Barcelona, who have less of an economy than us, get worse weather than us and still run trains, buses and businesses, but when we get a week of snow, the country drops to its knees!

Speaking of trains, in the couple of weeks running up to the snow, not one London Midland train ran on time, so come the heavy snow showers, it was a marvel to behold that not only were the trains running, but they were running on time, and sometimes earlier! Miracles will never cease!

Our road was a complete and total nightmare. We live in a cul-de-sac on a fairly steep hill, and as our local council only employ corrupt politicians (when will we learn!), we have never had a grit bin, despite asking for one for the last 28 years, nor have we had the road resurfaced for about 15 years, so you can imagine the joy on our faces when the road quite literally iced up and cars slid to the bottom of the road in a blaze of wheelspin. We even had one poor chap who came down the road in his van looking to turn round, got stuck, got his mate to come with a 3 litre estate care....who also got stuck, so they had to dig their way out and get towed by a land rover, which took them about 3 hours!

A momentous thing happened to me on saturday, I went into work and didn't get involved in any protests, yay! There was a small fear welling up inside me as I approached Victoria Square that at any second I'd be arrested or kidnapped, but I made it home safely, so safely in fact that I'm doing it again this saturday, double yay!

Finally, another word about the mighty villa. We now sit proudly in 3rd place thanks to 3 out of the top 5 teams being fairly useless when it comes to winning games, and if we keep going the way we are, we could accidently get into a title race, which would be madness, sheer madness!

Up the villa!

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