Saturday, 21 March 2009

Train Incident No. 2458

No, nothing as bad as the chap who gave me the plague, although I've not seen him since, so lord knows what happened to him, but something much worse happened to me on a train the other night....

......someone almost died sitting next to me!

(before you ask, no it wasn't to do with my sparkling conversation, thank you very much!)

I was working late one day last week, when I got on the train as normal at Snow Hill, and at Moor Street station, an asian man sat down next to me. I didn't pay much notice to the fella, as there was nothing to pay much attention to really (i.e the grim reaper wasn't stood behind him, tapping his watch). Anyway, just after we got away from Moor Street, he started leaning forward and squinting his eyes like he was in severe pain. This was alarming, but not half as alarming as when he then leant forward and rested his head against the back of the seat in front, seemingly in agony. Now this is probably very selfish of me, but the entire journey home, all I could think about was how the hell I was going to roll this chap out of the way so I could get off at my stop, if he does kick the bucket before we get there!

Fortunately, he moved to another seat when one was free, so he could die alone and in peace, which is a nice end to that story I think!

I have another two moans about the morons who board trains at 5pm. Firstly, who decides to go to the city centre on a train in the UK, and decide that not only have they finished their shopping dead on 5pm, but they would quite like to cycle back, so bring their bloody great mountain bike on board the train. A train, which has only 2 carriages and a billion people trying to cram on it, then decide to push past the sardines with said mountain bike, causing untold misery in the groin region for several people, including my good self!

The same applies for chavvy mothers with bloody pushchairs, whose sole aim, when the doors open at Moor Street station, is to take a run-up, yes a run-up, from the platform, so she can wedge her VW-Beetle-sized pushchair inbetween all those workers, whose jobs finish the day, quite inconveniently, at 5pm. Next time, I will bring pepper-spray!

Apologies for the 2 week gap, I'd blame the economic gloom for it, as thats getting a rather bad press lately, but in actual fact I've been ridiculously busy at work, what with new starters to train, and overtime to work, but with my new job fast approaching, I just tick off the days and keep on going!

So, the highlights for me over the last couple of weeks, undoubtedly being the visit to the Beer Keller a couple of Saturdays ago for Gemma and Gareths birthday bash. Well, I say 'bash', in actual fact Gareth had a 'do', and Gemma had an almighty bash on her noggin, which left her celebrating her birthday in A&E............the rest of us had a great time though!

The other main highlight for me was almost getting to the end of my coursework, which will soon mean I'm at the mercy of my memory and computer skills, as I type out all the notes I've taken over the last few weeks, and commit them to my gigantic brain, for later use in my exam in June. I'd like to say I can't wait, but I really really can!

The big highlight for me has come in the last week, but I shall leave that little nugget for my Facebook status, and next weeks blog. Oh yes, dear readers, a cliffhanger to leave you on!

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